Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Cookies Anyone?

Bryson was a spectator in the cookie decorating.
Fighting over who gets to push him. Callie messed up the rhythm of the swing more than once.
All the yummy cookies and Amy's hard work!
Now I am always trying to tell Amy "I'm not sure our kids are ready for this" They really are just babies. Decorating cookies is probably more of an elementary age kid activity. Well our kids proved that...
Here they are, looking so eager and helpful
Cade looks ready to do some eating
Callie was confused. Maybe she thought we were finger painting.
This is called hand-over-hand assistance or watch mommy do it
beautiful sprinkle art work
sprinkle chug

When Grandma saw these pics, she was glad we "cookie decorated" at Amy's house.

Emily was into eating things off the ground (and then throwing them up) and in this picture it appears Rach is too.

Not very many cookies were decorated... not much accomplished but a mess...
Cade left signature fingerprints in all cookies he was near...we survived...
just barely!

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