Friday, August 19, 2011

Cade's First Day Of Kindergarten

After spending the summer with Cade, I was so ready to send him back to school. I was not one of those teary first day of school moms. I think we had that moment when he started when he was three. Cade functions so well in a very structured environment that I just get excited for him. And it doesn't hurt that he absolutely loves it. He had his breakfast of champions... waffles. He eats another breakfast when he gets to school so they are just his snack.Callie loves to help.Proud sister
Transportation the first day always seems to be an issue for Cade. I went to pick him up and they had already put him on a bus to The Morgan Center (where he used to go.) He rode the bus for an hour and came back to school. He didn't mind a bit. It is very frustrating that he can't talk. His first week was eventful and I got a call from school about once a day from his teacher or his nurse. Along with pulling out the feeding tube multiple times, he flushed his hearing aid down the toilet the third day of school. He wanted to break in his new teachers right off the bat.

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