I would like to note a little bit about what my 2 year, 91/2 month old baby girl is doing...
She has grown quite a bit from 7lbs 6 oz. to today at 30.8 lbs. We haven't been to the doctor lately but I'm pretty sure she is still short for her age.
She loves all things girly. She helps me with my makeup every morning. She has her own makeup kit now so she will stay out of mine. She always wants her nails painted, perfume on, and is in my closet digging out my shoes or jewelry. She argues with me in the morning about her outfit for the day. She digs through her closet sighing because she has nothing to wear. She always wants to wear a jacket even though it is still in the 90s outside. She always tells me she is pretty and I think she has a healthy little self esteem. In these pictures she is telling me "bye, me go work with the babies" Just like her mommy, who also happens to be her favorite person in the whole world.
She is probably the most stubborn 2 year old out there which she gets from the most stubborn man in the whole world. She is also a hypochondriac. She tells me her tummy hurts and she has fever or she is bleeding and she needs to go to the hospital multiple times daily. She is in the "I do it" stage and is little miss indepedent. If you open a door for her, she shuts it and has to open it herself. And heaven forbid you flush the toilet for her or put her food in the microwave without letting her push the buttons. She likes calling people by their first name, especially Shane. When I am scolding someone, usually Cade, she chimes right in. She plugs her ears though when you are yelling at her, it drives me crazy!
She is talking in sentences and is always making me laugh with the stuff that she says. She copies everything we say and can pick a swear word out of any sentence and be sure to repeat it. She always says "what you doing" and answers every questions intially with "I don't know" and then gives the answer. She has begun to get mad at me when I take her picture and it is rare that she poses and smiles. Of course I have to show it to her immediately after and then she has to take several herself. Here are some of her photographs...
She takes very good care of her babies. She loves on them, burps them, feeds them, powders their butts (which she always wants as well) when she changes them, pushes them in the stroller. She lets Cade hold them and tells him to be gentle. She loves looking in the nursery at my work and seeing all the newborns. She also is starting to like barbies and the first thing she noticed is barbies big boobies. Not sure what to do about that...
We call her Julie Jr. because she loves to clean. She is always asking for a wipe so she can clean the sink or the floors. She loves to vacuum and help with dishes. She gets upset when Cade makes messes but has no problem making them herself.
But most of all she loves Cade. He frustrates her to no end but she is always quick to forgive him.
And he loves her too. We are working on that two year old temper and stubbornness you seem to come by naturally. We love watching you discover new things and solve little problems. You are constantly making us smile and keeping us on our toes. Callie- I love you sweet girl!
So this just made a huge tear in my eye! You are the GREATEST MOM EVER!! Cade and Callie are so blessed; one day they will look back and know they have the most wonderful woman in the world, that they get to call "Mom"!
You rock, I love you, I miss you even more.... Please, lets get together soon!!!!
AMEN to what Meghan said....I have 2 -almost 3 yr old grand daughters....lots of what you wrote is just like them...must be the wonderful age they are! Blessings to you!!
Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions
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