Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday David and KP!!!

We helped the Doss and Polk families celebrate a couple of my favorite 50 year olds birthday's at Frieheit. We had a blast... Callie was a little rude and made it known she didn't appreciate their talent...
But Cade liked it!
Payton with his favorite people.
Callie was intently watching a few couples dance. You could see the wheels turning in her head. She went and snatched up Cade, wrapped his arms around her and they swayed for a good long while until Cade just about tackled her. It was pretty cute.
Em was a dancing fool as well.
And Callie liked Preslie...
Grandpa can't resist picking on Callie and teaching her "lessons"
Lindsey made fast friends with Callie when she brought her cake.We got to hang out with Emily too (Ralph not Jost)
Grandpa in his golf hat
Happy Birthday David and KP!!!!

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