Monday, September 27, 2010

My Not So Little Man

Remember what a sweet baby he was??? I feel the need to do a little Cade update as well! Cade is doing marvelously and making progress every day. He just requires lots of patience! He is a sweet natured, full of energy, curious little boy. He gets into lots of trouble and can be very taxing on his caretakers but he doesn't mean to be. Like I said, he's curious, and with his curiosity he brings destruction. His very favorite things are listening to books, riding anything that moves, especially Grandpa's lawnmower, swimming, and Gerber Graduate fruit snacks. Cade loves everyone, especially anyone walking out the door. He loves to go and hates to be left. I think he likes men more because he likes to play rough. He likes to be right up in the action and outside. He is the sweetest boy and will give hugs and kisses to no end. He weighs 45lbs and is 42 inches tall. Below is a picture of him on his way to an appointment. He removes everything he can: shoes, socks, seat belt, feeding tube, shirt, etc. And then he wraps the car's seat belt around him. I fix it at every stop but you all should pray that I don't get in any accidents.
Cade has had many appointments the past couple of months. To update you on Cade's health, the nurse in me feels it is appropriate to do a head to toe assessment of Cade.

Neuro/EENT: Cade continues with developmental delay. He hasn't had a seizure in over a year that we know of. His neurologist left it up to me whether or not we wanted to treat him for ADHD and we currently aren't. He had a repeat ABR hearing screen and it confirmed he is moderately deaf in his right ear and almost normal in his left. We have followed up with the audiologist and he has been fitted for a hearing aid and we are waiting for that adventure to begin. The pics below are from his ABR hearing screen for which he had to be sedated but not before he stuck stickers on his head, crazy kid.
I am waiting to hear from the cranial facial team about his mess of a mouth. The next step is a swallow study and then we will meet with the team again. His 6 year molars are coming in and the Dentist says they are pre-cavity which could mean he has an enamel defect. We will have to wait and see what the rest of them look like. He continues to be nonverbal but says MAMA frequently. His therapist claims he says "out", I haven't heard it.
Cardio: Cade had his over-due check up on his ticker. Everything looked great. His right side of his heart was enlarged from the stress of his first year of life but it appears normal. His Bicuspid Aortic Valve also doesn't appear to be leaking. The doc said we had a "limited" echo because Cade did not like to be held down or still. EKG looked fine. No problems there.
Lungs: Clear. If he has asthma it is mild. We have rescue inhalers but rarely use them.
GI: Still breaks feeding tubes like it's his job
Hands: He can sign about 5 signs (please, more, water, drink, wave bye), not perfectly but well enough that I know what he wants. He has a nasty wart on his middle finger that the dermatologist is in the process of freezing off.
Feet: He saw his orthopedic doc this summer. Her and his physical therapist are concerned with Cade walking on the insides of his feet with toes pointed out. He was prescribed some orthodic insoles for his shoes which, after a long process, he tried out today. He also has some type of bite on his ankle which has turned into cellulitis so he got antibiotics for that today. Hopefully it will clear out so we can avoid any incision and drainage. He saw his dermatologist last week because his cardiologist thought he had athletes foot (he was checking pulses, cap refil.) Derm said it was just irritation so we are watching to see if that is clearing up with cortisone.
It's a good thing his momma is a nurse! Here we are bored waiting on a doc...
Cade is a full time job but well worth it. I don't know what I would do without his simple smile to brighten my day. Last night at church we were discussing this verse with the high schoolers:
"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope." Jeremiah 29:11
Cade instantly popped into my mind. I know God knows what he is doing but it is hard to trust and not question. Cade is truly an angel on Earth and I know he has already taught so many people so many simple lessons and he doesn't even talk. I know Rachel is putting in a good word for him so I am expecting great things. I am honored to have a front row seat in watching him grow and progress and nothing makes me prouder. I love you Cadester!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tired Of The Fight

This is Callie hiding from me because I told her it was time to fix her hair. She yells and throws fits every morning "No fix my hair, It hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS!" So we went to cut it.before pic TaDa! She got to go to Target after because she was a good girl.
She's been getting mixed reviews but I love it- our mornings are much smoother!

Vintage Fields

More pics of the kids at Heirloom...
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And Ems are there too. Her password in emily.
Of course they turned out great!

Friday Night Football

I thought the kids would enjoy watching the cougars play some football. They did for about 5 min. but these games just go a little long and late for my kiddos. We left after halftime. The kids enjoyed the band, cheerleaders and dancers the most. They could have cared less about the game.

Cade was a very good boy and sat on Grandpa's lap most of the game.
Grandpa was impressed with the new coach.
Callie made some friends. I wish I could say she was praying for a first down in the pic on the left but really she was just excited about the band.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cassie's Little Laundry Helper

Callie loves to help fold clothes. She shakes them out and folds and stacks. It's not helpful.

Let's Go To Luckenbach, TX...

And we also did some shopping in Fredericksburg.

Getting Older...

I turned 26 this month. I know I know, I'm in the upper 20s now. My friends and family are really good about making you feel special on your birthday. I had a big birthday dinner in Stockdale and the next night had a great birthday dinner at Adobe, my favorite. When we told Callie it was my birthday, she got excited and said "yea, I put cake in my mouth" and was really dissapointed that I never blew out any candles. The Ross Brunner Band was playing...
Adobe is great because they have a playground. Callie ran into a friend from her old daycare.
Callie likes chips and queso and "hot in my mouth" (salsa)

My wonderful sister made chocolate fondue for all of us. I get anxiety just thinking about her moving away next summer and taking her baby girls with her.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cassie and Mark Came To See Me!

Well that and they wanted to do some touristy stuff too. So we went to San Antonio to the Riverwalk and The Alamo and The Tower of The Americas.

Swimming On Labor Day...

Callie was excited to swim with "Pait" but she was not willing to take a picture with him. I am not a floaties fan but we tried them out. snack break

My little turkey was tired.

Another Reason We Need One Piece PJs For Cade...

Cade will not sleep alone. Every night he either climbs in bed with me or with Callie. I think he is seeking warmth and he likes to cuddle. Unfortunately for Callie, he takes off his pants first.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday David and KP!!!

We helped the Doss and Polk families celebrate a couple of my favorite 50 year olds birthday's at Frieheit. We had a blast... Callie was a little rude and made it known she didn't appreciate their talent...
But Cade liked it!
Payton with his favorite people.
Callie was intently watching a few couples dance. You could see the wheels turning in her head. She went and snatched up Cade, wrapped his arms around her and they swayed for a good long while until Cade just about tackled her. It was pretty cute.
Em was a dancing fool as well.
And Callie liked Preslie...
Grandpa can't resist picking on Callie and teaching her "lessons"
Lindsey made fast friends with Callie when she brought her cake.We got to hang out with Emily too (Ralph not Jost)
Grandpa in his golf hat
Happy Birthday David and KP!!!!