Sunday, December 4, 2011

Buffalo Bills Game

Shane's good friend Eric is from Buffalo, NY and so last year Shane decided he was going to root for the Buffalos with Eric. He's weird like that. So this year, when they were actually winning, he got it in his head that we had to go there for a game. Shane had been looking forward to this game for a long time and we ended up having no trouble returning from Canada. But the poor guy got the stomach flu the day of the game. He was so dissapointed that he couldn't tailgate but it was great for me because I couldn't drink either :) The game was cold but not near as cold as it could have been in Buffalo in December.

Ollie decided to cheer for the Titans. Shane and Richard pretended not to know her.

We had pretty good seats.

Shane and Eric

Richard lost some money on this one...

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