Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sea World

Everyone loved Sea World. I haven't taken Callie there since she was a baby and it was a treat to see how much she enjoyed it. Cade even loved the shows and animals much more than the last time he went. It was fun going with all of their cousins, aunts and uncles and especially their Iowa cousin Keaton.
I have done a little different format with collages to take up less space. Let me know if you like it... it sure did take me a lot longer! I am developing some mad Photoshop skills though if I do say so myself. My mom printed my blog for me for Easter in book format and I think this will be a more attractive layout in a book, I just don't know if I can keep up with it!Callie was so funny to watch at the Shamu show... She was so tickled when Shamu splashed everyone. However, she would not like to be splashed, no splash zone for us yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna I like the look of the blog! LOVE the pictures of the kids in the flowers, so cute! I think i once had a dress like Callie's it was pink and from Texas :)
Looks like Sea World was a blast, looks sooooo warm, plese send some of that weather this way!
Miss you, wish we could see each other every month! Feb. was great!! Love you all- hugs and kisses for the kids :)

Love Cassie