Monday, November 2, 2009


Oh my was Callie funny this year. I doesn't hurt that she loves knocking on doors and she loves candy. She got this trick-or-treat thing down. The Drastatas always have great decorations and cool things to see. I am hoping Amy got better picks of the girls together because I got home from the ER just in time to leave for trick-or-treating and didn't have my photo opportunities I like to have.

Danielle babysits Callie every week
Callie thought she was welcome in everyone's house. They would open the door and she would squeeze right past them.
Isn't Payton a doll? His pirate costume went so well with Tinkerbell. She lost her Captain Hook :(
These two were so funny. They would just run to the next house! If Payton wasn't moving fast enough at the candy, Callie would just knock him down. She wouldn't let me touch her bucket. She kept screaming "mine" and it was so heavy she had to drag it but Miss Independent wanted no help from anyone. She also insisted on walking.
Ok Beth I'm just going to let myself in.

Making herself right at home...
wouldn't you love to see these three cuties outside your door?
off to the next house! Rach liked for her daddy to carry her but she was pretty enthusiastic about getting her candy.
End of the night... this one is melting down!
kissing Payton goodbye. We were so glad he could come trick-or-treating with us!
Daddy stayed home with a sleepy Cade and did some cuddling with Em.
Callie loves her candy. I have to hide it otherwise she cries for more all day. When people would lower the candy for her to grab some, she would grab candy until I stopped her. I would say "only take one Callie" and being Callie she said "no two" :) When we got home, I didn't realize she had a kit-kat until she had chewed through the wrapper and scarfed it. But what is Halloween without too much candy?

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