This was Team Rachel's second year to do Relay For Life. Our team raised lots of money and I think the preliminary total for all of Comal County was $145,000 raised for cancer research! The event starts at 7pm and lasts until 7 am and each team has to have someone walking at all times. I myself did not make it all night (never have been an all night kind of girl) but my mom, Amy and Michael and some others did. I was there until about 1:00 and came back at 6:00 for the last few laps. The idea is that sundown is diagnosis of cancer, all night is the fight, and then sunrise is the cure. It is a really fun and occasionally emotional event. Thanks to everyone who donated money or was there to help out our team! The survivor lap is the very first lap. Our team survivors are Rachel, Charlin (she had thyroid cancer almost 30 years ago) and Nancy Baese. Nancy was just released from the hospital after three months (yeah!!) so she couldn't be here. This lap is for survivors of cancer and their caregivers. They play sad music and we were all crying. Amy and Michael are extraordinary caregivers for Rachel. I don't know how they do all that they do and stay sane. They are just incredible parents for Rach. She is a lucky girl that was born into the right family. The team lap is the second lap. Cade loved the tent. Amy and Michael and Mike's family worked very hard on the tent decorations. This years theme was Toon out Cancer and our tents theme was Finding a Cure because Nemo is Rachel's favorite. Mini mes The kids wore out pretty quickly because they were running laps all night. Callie slept on Ty Ty We do relay because five years ago, the drugs that have kept Rachel alive were not available. This is a disease that has or will touch everyone in some way. It is important to keep finding new drugs and cures for cancer for all of us!
I think the same could be said for Cade (and Callie). They were born into the right too are an amazing mother and caregiver to Cade..your whole family is amazing - always smiling! Happy Mother's Day to you and God Bless you all...>> Patty Stahl (friend of Banks and Charlin)
wonderful post Anna.. christa
I think the same could be said for Cade (and Callie). They were born into the right too are an amazing mother and caregiver to Cade..your whole family is amazing - always smiling! Happy Mother's Day to you and God Bless you all...>>
Patty Stahl (friend of Banks and Charlin)
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