Cade absolutely loved everything about schlitterbahn. I however can wait till next year to go cause it was lots of work taking him. Amy, Rissa, my mom and I took him and we left the girls at home with Sarah. Special thanks to Aunt Katy for getting us the tickets. The pics are a little grainy cause we used a water camera. He loved waiting in line and banging into everyones tubes We took him on a big kid ride, he squealed and loved it the entire time. However, he also stood up in his bottom tube as the tube was going down big slides and dove out several times. He was nuts and I about had seven heart attacks. He loved running around and discovering all the slides in the little kiddie parks This blue slide he must have done a hundred times. He was so funny to watch cause everytime for him was like the first time. He always had to go head first and he propped up his left leg so his feeding tube didn't drag. Too much fun for one day...