Saturday, March 28, 2009

Loving Baby Emily

Callie is such a little momma to Emily

She just loves her and can't get enough of her
Doesn't want to share with Cade
Cade loves her too though

Cade's turn to hold emily!
OK he's done

Happy Birthday Reilee!

The kids had tons of fun at the jumping jym for reilee's party

Cade loves cake!

Still Sleeping Anywhere...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sick Babies

And I am sick of changing diapers! Both kids have diarrhea (Callie has had it almost a week!) and I had to stay home from work today. I changed 7 diapers by 8:30 and then I got too depressed and quit counting. I feel so bad for them because they are so miserable. They won't eat (very unlike my kids) and they both are looking so skinny! Callie has started daycare and she is bringing home all kinds of germs.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Cade already had to change his outfit by the time we took this pic...Here Cade is bailing out of the pic... but Callie still poses!

They love the new baby. They follow around whoever is holding her to try to kiss her.

Callie's Boyfriends

It is really cute how much Tyler's friends all love Cade and Callie. They always come to visit. Here Reece and Derek are putting Callie to bed.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cute Construction Workers

Always Exploring

They discovered they could get into G-ma's shower

Baptizing Baby Emily

Callie getting dressed in the church
All the kids loved running up and down the aisle

Cade was so excited to see Auntie Robbie and Uncle Travis

It was pretty much chaos. It was a beautiful baptism by Father Tony but the kids were not listening. They were yelling at each other, Rachel kept saying "Callie Callie Callie" and Callie would be yelling back in gibberish and they were all trying to get down and run.

In front of Callie, Father Tony is talking to all of us. She had to get a front row seat to listen...

We all took turns trying to detain the kids
Family pictures are getting quite complicated as this family grows. It would take a lot for us all to look good.

Dinner After Baptism

Cade and Callie both love showing their belly buttons and pulling up everyone's shirt to see if they too have a belly button
Callie was on the phone the whole night, if she wasn't talking, she was texting