I always call Callie a little peanut because when you pick her up she curls into a ball. We found this shirt for her at Gap and had to get it.
She is not the camera ham her brother is yet. She stops smiling when she sees the camera. I caught one here... She is rolling from her tummy to her back now and is pretty strong. We do lots of therapy with her. It is so cool that she is doing things so fast for us because it took forever with her brother. He did have a few excuses though.Ready to walk?
Cade likes to stay next door at his grandparents and we like it too. Grandpa and Cade enjoy their mornings that start at 5:30 so we don't bother them. Gotta have my waffles first thing!
Cade has been taking some steps lately. He doesn't like to crawl anymore and walks around on his knees. He likes his hands free! He will take steps across the room between us and likes to crash when he is done.
Thanks Auntie Robby for the adorable Valentine's day shirts! We had a photo shoot for you (yes I was bored- the camera batteries were dying so the pics aren't great but we tried!) Making Valentine cookies. Yes, Cade fell off the counter. He won't be helping again anytime soon. He liked the batter! Couldn't get Callie to quit rolling Rachel is letting Cade know that only she is allowed on her mommy's lap!
My brother is an instructor pilot in the air force. His student flew his cross country trip to San Antonio so Trav got to spend some time with us. He gave the family a tour of his plane, the T37 (aka the tweet). Cade was very interested but Callie was a little less enthused... she slept the whole time and was mad when the sun was in her eyes Cade loved all the buttons- he was ready to take off!
Cade fell tonight and bit his lower lip. You can't see it too good here but it swelled up instantly and I'm sure it will be pretty tomorrow. Just a couple of cries and then he smiled through the blood. The boy has an amazing pain tolerance.
He is always crashing into Rachel when she is in her car, which makes her cry, which makes him laugh. Come on Rach, I'll give you a ride... Some close ups... Cade has some jacked up teeth, I see lots of dental work in his future